Welcome to Greeley HOG Harley-Davidson® Owners Group
With John Elway Harley-Davidson® being our sponsoring dealership, we are simply a group of fun-loving people that happen to ride Harley-Davidson Motorcycles. What do we do? We ride Harleys and have fun! As National HOG® states: "If you are not riding and having fun, then why are you doing it?" We have over 100 members and we are always looking to grow.
How do I join you ask?
Go to John Elway Harley-Davidson and ask for Andrea. They will show you the HOG corner of the shop and get you an application. From there you fill out your information and we'll submit it to the HOG club for review.
Please Email us at: greeleyhog@gmail.com
Rick Lieser, Director, Greeley Chapter